Nevermind, I fixed everything simply by using triangles instead of polygons.
Latest posts made by DrShoggoth
RE: Non manifold geometry with polyhedron
RE: Non manifold geometry with polyhedron
It's completely fine until I operate on it with any other geometry.
RE: Non manifold geometry with polyhedron
I double checked my polygons and they are all clockwise if you are facing them.
Non manifold geometry with polyhedron
I'm trying to generate threads and I'm there for the most part. As soon as I do any boolean operations with other geometries I end up with non-manifold geometries. I'm assuming that I am either misunderstanding how to use polyhedron() or I'm defining its polygons wrong. Does anybody know what I can do?
function main() {
const r = 10;
const fn = 32;
const h = 10;numSegments = (h+1)*fn;
const points = seq(numSegments+1).flatMap( i => threadTriangle(r,360/fn*i,i/fn-1) );
const closeFirst = [0,1,2];
const segments = seq(numSegments).flatMap( i => {
const m = i*3;
return [
[0,3,4,1].map(x => x+m),
[1,4,5,2].map(x => x+m),
[2,5,3,0].map(x => x+m)
const closeLast = [
];const threadPoly = polyhedron({
polygons: [ closeFirst, ...segments, closeLast ]
});const threadPolyTrimmed = intersection(
);return union(
function threadTriangle(r,a,z) {
const rad = a * Math.PI/180;
const x1 = r * Math.cos(rad);
const y1 = r * Math.sin(rad);const x2 = (r+0.475) * Math.cos(rad);
const y2 = (r+0.475) * Math.sin(rad);return [[x1,y1,z],[x1,y1,0.95+z],[x2,y2,0.5+z]];
}function seq(length) {
return Array.apply(null, {length}).map(, Number);
} -
Parametric Lego brick generator
Built this yesterday for fun, thought I would share.