Jul 15, 2015
Glenn West
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - processI've found jscad tends to be idea for doing edits to existing stl. This always gets errors in OpenScad.
For Example, I wanted to change the slot for aluminium extrusion from M... to OpenVslot, so I need to cut a 2020 hole, to get rid of overly large channel protrusions.
function main(){
theobj = top_section().translate([-70,-70,0]).rotateZ(-60);
thecut = cube([20,20,200]);
theobj = difference(
}This worked fine.
Now I'm trying to use it to combine components, and I've getting issues:
function motor_boss()
}function combined()
a = rotate([0,0,120], translate([14,-7.2,0], rotate([0,0,180], motor_mount())));
b = rotate([0,0,240], translate([62,-67,0], rotate([0,0,180], motor_mount())));
c = rotate([0,0,0], translate([90,4.1,0], rotate([0,0,180], motor_mount())));
return union (a,b,c);}
//translate([5,-40,-0]) rotate([0,0,91]) cylinder(r=30,h=20,$fn=3);
function main(){
return combined();
}When I do this, Im getting a error:
dhcp-65-139:3dr-vslot gwest$ openjscad 3dr_bottom_plate.jscad -o test.stl
converting 3dr_bottom_plate.jscad -> test.stl (STereoLithography, ASCII)
render jscad to stl
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - process out of memory
Abort trap: 6Any Idea Why?
Looks like I should be able to allocate bigger memory in node, but I cannot find a way of passing the flag for it.
Source: github.com/glennswest/3dr-vslot
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Shared publiclyJeff Gay STL models include a huge number of polygons. Have you tried the above with a small STL model?