Release : 2022 MAR 03
There's a new release of JSCAD, including changes from several pull requests.
Bug Fixes
io: removed size limitation in Blob
modeling: fixed TS type of relativeTo in align() options
web: corrected uncaught type error in viewer
modeling: enchanced extrudeLinear to support path2
Performance Improvements
modeling: improved performace of path2 offsets
modeling: improved performance of expanding geom3, and bug fix
modeling: use Set to create unique points in hullPath2
And lots of API documentation fixes and enhancements.
Thanks to @platypii @samuelwang48 @kume-negitoro for the great changes!
Successfully published:
- @jscad/cli@2.2.15
- @jscad/core@2.5.5
- @jscad/amf-deserializer@2.2.7
- @jscad/amf-serializer@2.1.4
- @jscad/dxf-deserializer@2.3.11
- @jscad/dxf-serializer@2.1.4
- @jscad/io-utils@2.0.14
- @jscad/io@2.2.5
- @jscad/json-deserializer@2.0.15
- @jscad/json-serializer@2.0.14
- @jscad/obj-deserializer@2.0.14
- @jscad/obj-serializer@2.1.4
- @jscad/stl-deserializer@2.1.11
- @jscad/stl-serializer@2.1.4
- @jscad/svg-deserializer@2.4.7
- @jscad/svg-serializer@2.3.2
- @jscad/x3d-deserializer@2.1.3
- @jscad/x3d-serializer@2.3.4
- @jscad/modeling@2.8.0
- @jscad/array-utils@2.1.2
- @jscad/regl-renderer@2.5.5
- @jscad/vtree@2.0.15
- @jscad/web@2.5.5
lerna success published 23 packages