Hello everyone! I've been enjoying JsCad, but have found myself unable to move forward in my project that uses it.
First some background:
For my own learning I've been working on a project where I can write JsCad code in half of a window and display its output in the other half of the same window. I was using the @jscad/openjscad npm module which was working well, but I wanted it to respond faster when drawing the same solid multiple times.
Therefore my primary goal is to compile This caused me to run across https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jscad/vtree which looked like it would provide some speed ups. It wasn't entirely clear to me how to make use of this module with my setup. I came across the @jscad/desktop module (https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jscad/desktop) which described how to use the @jscad/vtree module in a way that didn't match my intended implementation.
I'm compiling the output from strings, not files using jscad.compile(script, params)
. I noticed on this forum that V2 is now available on npm, so I've tried using it as well, as it appears I can enable the use of vtree. However I cannot figure out how I can compile a script that is contained within a string in the manner that I was before. I believe the @jscad/core's code-evaluation.rebuildGeometryCli.js is the intended method, but I am not certain if I am going down the correct path with this as I cannot get that to work either.
My primary issue that I want to address is speed. I've been testing with the following script:
function main () {
return getLogos();
function getLogos() {
let size = 1;
let space = 0.65;
let arr = [];
for(let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
for(let j = 0; j < size; j++) {
for(let k = 0; k < size; k++) {
arr.push(getLogo().translate([i * space, j * space, k * space]));
return union(arr);
function getLogo() {
return union(
cube({size: 3, center: true}),
sphere({r: 2, center: true})
sphere({r: 1.3, center: true}),
cube({size: 2.1, center: true})
).scale(0.2).translate([0, 0.3, 0]);
As I increase the size variable in the getLogos()
function, it takes exponentially longer to compile something that I can draw.
My questions are:
Am I correct in my interpretation that the @jscad/vtree module would help with this when used correctly?
Given that I want to load jscad scripts from strings and not files, how can I do this with the @jscad/vtree module used correctly in both V1 and V2?
Thank you!