Thanks @z3dev for the compliments. I am flattered.
It is a slush of all sorts, or a fusion to put it nicely. It is designed to be a tool to learn programming for kids and it must not rely on any peripheral hardware through bluetooth. Then a simulation is required. I went for Unity and C# and an interpreter to compile JS in memory as opposed to Unreal which would be a clear overkill for me to maintain. However it is a shame that I could not offer shader programming to kids as I am not able to compile shader at runtime.
Underlying part is implemented in swift language, such as wss, webrtc, webkit and unity messaging so it would allow messaging possible between devices across different networks and frameworks. With this app, you can program on iPad and render on iPhone via webRTC instantly to brag about your work in front of other kids
It would also allow me to deliver course in a server/client manner such as presenting TLS or asymmetric encryption/decryption and etc.
The screen you are looking at is an iOS WkWebView housing an Angular application, typescript of course. I didn't favor Redux or React. I chose Angular+Observable to handle most events and messaging. I also used Google Blockly as the underlying block coding IDE base.