Regular polygons example
Hello, I'm making some code examples, here is a regular polygon generator. it can be used to demo the function or make a polygon with it. It can be viewed here intention is to do the same for common polyhedrons (icosahedron and so on), so users could start a design from one of those volumes, just by picking the corresponding function.
I'm using a function (simpleRotate) to rotate my points, but was there a way to use an internal function to do the same ?
This new star primitive looks promising. Thank you for the code sample, I will try to use .fromAngleRadians().
There are many ways to do anything.
The simpleRotate() function isn’t wrong but reminded me of a small piece in the new star primitive (new in V2).
const getPoints = (vertices, radius, startAngle, center) => {
var a1 = degToRad(startAngle)
var a = 2 * Math.PI / vertices
var points = []
for (var i = 0; i < vertices; i++) {
let point = vec2.fromAngleRadians(a * i + a1)
vec2.scale(point, radius, point)
vec2.add(point, center, point)
return points
}I hope this provides some encouragement.