@z3dev thanks for your answer, i will check that. Any idea of the release date of the V2?
Thanks again.
Best regards
simple hull fonction
hello every body,
I'm trying to do a simple thing a hull between a cube and a cylinder( something very easy to do in openscad://!OpenSCAD
hull() {
cube(10,center =true);
translate([0,0,60]) cylinder(1,5,5);
}but i'm trying to do this in openjscad for hours now without any result.
Please help.
Thanks in advance
Best regards -
@z3dev thanks for your answer, i will check that. Any idea of the release date of the V2?
Thanks again.
Best regards -
Sorry, but the hull of 3D solids is not possible with V1 of OpenJSCAD.org.
There's a pull request for this which uses an external library, if you would like to try modifying the CSG library locally.
Otherwise, please be patient as we hope to include this in V2.