V2 Feedback : converting V1 examples
Hello, I'm slowly converting V1 examples to V2 syntax.
It went ok for the first example, logo :
// title : OpenJSCAD.org Logo // author : Rene K. Mueller // license : MIT License // revision : 0.003 // tags : Logo,Intersection,Sphere,Cube // file : logo.jscad const jscad = require('@jscad/modeling') const { primitives, transforms, booleans } = jscad const { cube, sphere } = primitives const { intersect, subtract, union } = booleans const { scale, translate } = transforms function main () { return translate([0, 0, 1.5], scale([10, 10, 10], union( subtract( cube({size: 3}), sphere({radius: 2}) ), intersect( sphere({radius: 1.3}), cube({size: 2.1}) ) ) ) ); } module.exports = { main }
Eighth example, lookup :
It looks ok, but my lookup function is maybe buggy, I needed to stretch return value (x2) to have same lengths as V1, and to add a center to each cylinders to make it look the same.// title : Lookup // author : OpenSCAD.org, adapted by Rene K. Mueller // description: testing lookup() function // file : lookup.jscad // from http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual/Mathematical_Functions const jscad = require('@jscad/modeling') const { primitives, transforms, colors, maths } = jscad const { cylinder } = primitives const { translate } = transforms const { colorize, hslToRgb } = colors const { vec2 } = maths const { lerp } = vec2 function getCylinderH (p) { return lookup(p, [ [ -200, 5 ], [ -50, 20 ], [ -20, 18 ], [ +80, 25 ], [ +150, 2 ] ]); } function main () { var w = []; for (var i = -100; i <= 100; i += 5) { w.push(colorize(hslToRgb([((i + 100) / 200) * 0.3 + 0.6, 1, 0.5]), translate([i, 0, -30], cylinder({radius: 4, height: getCylinderH(i) * 3 *2, segments: 16 , center : [i,0,getCylinderH(i) * 3] })))); } return w; } function lookup(ix, L){ // L = [ [ i0, v0], ..., [iN, vN] ] if (ix <= L[0][0]) return L[0][0]; var i = L.length-1; if (ix >= L[i][0]) return L[i][0]; i = L.findIndex( x => x[0] >= ix); v1 = L[i-1][1]; v2 = L[i][1]; if (ix === L[i-1][0]) return v1; if (ix === L[i][0]) return v2; var i1 = L[i-1][0], i2 = L[i][0]; var r = v1 + (v2-v1) / (i2-i1) * (ix-i1); return r; } module.exports = { main }
Seventh example, expand :
It looks ok.// title : Expand // author : OpenSCAD.org, adapted by Rene K. Mueller // license : MIT License // description: testing expand() function // file : expand.jscad const jscad = require('@jscad/modeling') const { primitives, transforms, booleans, expansions } = jscad const { cube, cylinder } = primitives const { subtract, union } = booleans const { rotate, scale, translate } = transforms const { expand } = expansions function main () { return scale([10, 10, 10], union( expand({delta:0.2, segments:8}, subtract( cube({size:2}), translate([0.3, -0.3, 0.3], cube({size:2})))), translate([-4, 0, 0], subtract( cube({size:2}), translate([0.3, -0.3, 0.3], cube({size:2})))), expand({delta:0.3, segments:8}, translate([0, -3, 0], cube({size:2}))), translate([-4, -3, 0], cube({size:2})), expand({delta:0.3, segments:4}, translate([0, 4, 0], cylinder({radius: 1, height: 2, segments: 16}))), translate([-4, 4, 0], cylinder({radius: 1, height: 2})) )); } module.exports = { main }
Sixth example, transformations :
It looks ok, except for transform (so, I removed it) that does not seem to work with same parameters as V1.// title : transformations // author : Mark Moissette // license : MIT License // description: all the different transforms operations const jscad = require('@jscad/modeling') const { primitives, transforms } = jscad const { cube } = primitives const { scale, translate, rotate, transform } = transforms function main () { const testCube = cube(); return [ translate([0, 10, 0], testCube), // simple translation translate([10, 0, 0], rotate([10, 5, 0], testCube)), // translate + rotate translate([-10, 0, 0], scale([0.5, 0.5, 5], testCube)), // translate + scale /*transform([ // matrix transform Math.cos(15), -Math.sin(15), 0, 0, Math.sin(15), Math.cos(15), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], testCube)*/ ] } module.exports = { main }
Fifth example, pavillon :
I needed to move cylinders (columns) and cube (enter) to make them cope with their v1 conterparts// title : Example 005 // author : OpenSCAD.org, adapted by Rene K. Mueller // license : MIT License // description: example005.scad ported to OpenJSCAD // file : example005.jscad const jscad = require('@jscad/modeling') const { primitives, transforms, booleans } = jscad const { cube, cylinder, cylinderElliptic } = primitives const { subtract, union } = booleans const { translate, scale } = transforms function example005 () { var cy = []; for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { cy[i] = translate([Math.sin(360 * i / 6) * 80, Math.cos(360 * i / 6) * 80, 80], cylinder({height: 200, radius: 10})); } return translate([0, 0, -120], union( subtract( cylinder({height: 50, radius: 100}), translate([0, 0, 10], cylinder({height: 50, radius: 80})), translate([100, 0, 35-25], cube({size: 50})) ), cy, translate([0, 0, 200], cylinderElliptic({height: 80, startRadius: [120,120], endRadius: [1,1]})) ) ); } function main () { return scale([1 / 3, 1 / 3, 1 / 3], example005()); } module.exports = { main }
Fourth example, box with cutouts :
// title : Example 003 // author : OpenSCAD.org, adapted by Rene K. Mueller // license : MIT License // description: example003.scad ported to OpenJSCAD.org // file : example003.jscad const jscad = require('@jscad/modeling') const { primitives, transforms, booleans } = jscad const { cube, cuboid } = primitives const { subtract, union } = booleans function example003 () { return subtract( union( cube({size: 30}), cuboid({size: [40, 15, 15]}), cuboid({size: [15, 40, 15]}), cuboid({size: [15, 15, 40]}) ), union( cuboid({size: [50, 10, 10]}), cuboid({size: [10, 50, 10]}), cuboid({size: [10, 10, 50]}) ) ); } function main () { return example003(); } module.exports = { main }
Third example, cone with cutouts, looks ok :
// title : Example 002 // author : OpenSCAD.org, adapted by Rene K. Mueller // license : MIT License // description: example002.scad ported to OpenJSCAD.org // file : example002.jscad const jscad = require('@jscad/modeling') const { primitives, transforms, booleans } = jscad const { cube, cuboid, cylinderElliptic } = primitives const { intersect, subtract, union } = booleans const { translate } = transforms function example002 () { return intersect( subtract( union( cube({size: 30}), translate([0, 0, -25], cuboid({size: [15, 15, 50]})) ), union( cuboid({size: [50, 10, 10]}), cuboid({size: [10, 50, 10]}), cuboid({size: [10, 10, 50]}) ) ), translate([0, 0, 5], cylinderElliptic({height: 50, startRadius: [20,20], endRadius: [5,5]}) )); } function main () { return example002(); } module.exports = { main }
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But the second example, sphere with cutouts doesn't look the same as on V1:
It may be default centering that is different// title : Example 001 // author : OpenSCAD.org, adapted by Rene K. Mueller // license : MIT License // description: example001.scad ported to OpenJSCAD.org // file : example001.jscad const jscad = require('@jscad/modeling') const { primitives, transforms, booleans } = jscad const { cylinder, sphere } = primitives const { subtract } = booleans const { rotate } = transforms function radiusFromDiameter (d) { return d / 2; } function rotcy (rot, r, h) { return rotate(rot, cylinder({radius: r, height: h})); } function example001 () { var size = 50; var hole = 25; var radius = radiusFromDiameter(hole); var height = radiusFromDiameter(size * 2.5); return subtract( sphere({radius: radiusFromDiameter(size)}), rotcy([0, 0, 0], radius, height), rotcy([90, 0, 0], radius, height), rotcy([0, 90, 0], radius, height) ); } function main () { return example001(); } module.exports = { main }