How to edit the converted model
Hi! If I want to adjust the imported dxf model by mouse or form in jscad. what do I do? It is found that the js code converted by @jscad/dxf-deserializer is not readable code. Does this mean that the imported model cannot be adjusted with the mouse?
@z3dev// Produced by JSCAD IO Library : DXF Deserializer (2.3.2) const { colors, geometries, maths, primitives, transforms } = require("@jscad/modeling"); const { colorize, hexToRgb } = colors; const main = () => { let layers = []; return layers.concat(layer0(),layer1(),layer2(),[]) }; function createPolygon(listofpoints, color) { let polygon = geometries.poly3.fromPoints(listofpoints); if (color) polygon.color = color; return polygon; } function layer0() { const jscad2_polygons = [ createPolygon( [ [-7.477781319009107, 0, 4.999988321182407], [-7.477781319009107, 0, 0], [-7.571599135852652, -0.0100263315710659, 0], ], null ), createPolygon( [ [-7.477781319009107, 0, 4.999988321182407], [-7.571599135852652, -0.0100263315710659, 0], [-7.571599135852652, -0.0100263315710659, 4.999988321182407], ], null ), createPolygon( [ [-7.571599135852652, -0.0100263315710659, 4.999988321182407], [-7.571599135852652, -0.0100263315710659, 0], [-7.845747687667226, -0.07906478610326254, 0], ], null ), ... ]; let jscad2 = geometries.geom3.create(jscad2_polygons); return [jscad2]; } function layer1() { return []; } function layer2() { return []; } module.exports = { main };
@jess-yan another good question!
there's an issue with the internal logic of the WEB UI that prevents the 'script' to be shown. it's not that easy to fix either.
you can use the CLI (command line) application to convert the DXF file to a script.
you can find instructions on how to use the CLI in the README file at...