I am a bit confused, as initial description says model, but in the conversation here I am seing that you may want to actually execute a jscad script (to generate a model).
If you have STL files or some other format supported by jscad/io regl renderer is really a good choice as it is very light, and is just fine for displaying the model.
regl is still great if you want to execute a jscad script, but thigs get bit complicated there. Demo if I remember correctly executes model code directly on main thread, adn is you make sth complex that will need x number of seconds to generate, it would freeze the UI and confuse users.
If you will have more complex scripts, you will want to use a worker, and then thing get complicated. Especially if you want scripts that are split in multiple imports.
give us some more info on your use case, so we can suggest a good direction.