We are happy to annouce that a pre-release "alpha' version of JSCAD V2 is now available from GitHub. There will be weekly updates to the pre-release so please stay up to date.
And if all goes well, publishing to NPM will also be enabled.
Latest updates include:
- corrections to the order of transforms (translate, scale, etc)
- primitives (circle, cube, etc) accept a center option again
- NEW curves generation, which includes bezier curves for generating 3D points
- fixes to the WEB UI
- fixes to extrude and offset
The WEB UI is now quite usable for creating designs. It's best to drag-n-drop project folders to the window, and work with the pieces via a favorite editor. If "Enable auto reload" is checked then changes will be detected, and rendered again.
For those wanting to get hold of JSCAD V2, it's still in 'early adoption' mode. But you can get started here.
And a BIG THANKS to all the early adopters. Keep those comments coming!