Is there any sort of tags system in jscad?
I vaguely remember a conversation related to this in the old forums.
Basically if I want to join two parts together (with union?) and then later extract one of them back out, is there a way to do that?
@BarbourSmith I saw your post but didn't reply as I wasn't sure it was about. I already tried on V2 the function that splits a solid into pieces as it is something that i use a lot : https://jscad.xyz/#https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gilboonet/gilboonet.github.io/master/demos/gig2i.js The function is scission3d() and the source is here : https://github.com/gilboonet/gilboonet.github.io/blob/master/demos/gig2i.js
Amazing! Thank you for pointing me there, I wouldn't have found it on my own and that is a great starting point. I'm excited that you are already way ahead and are already thinking of adding it to V2!
@BarbourSmith you might be interested in this.
@gilboonet provided a solution for splitting a solid into pieces (if there are any).