V2 feedback : extrudeFromSlices
Thanks to V2 examples, I was able to make a script to create a curved and sheated furniture foot generator. I only need to make it parametrable and it will be done.
@z3dev An option to show/hide slider value would be great. Long ago I made some tweaks to parameters that looked like that, but now jscad architecture is too complex for me to make such changes. On the bottom of the screenshot you can see file browser to import/export parameters that I also added and was of great help to make complex models.
@gilboonet Nice!
I think that showing the current value of a slider is possible. Maybe a new option to show or not show values could be added to slider parameters. Would that be helpful?
Here is its version with parameters, using sliders make an interface easy to understand, but as there is no way to save parameters values nor view slider values, it's not as practical as an interface where you type numeric values. Anyway, it's fine to be able to do that so easily.
It can be seen here : https://jscad.xyz/#https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gilboonet/gilboonet.github.io/master/scripts/PiedGen1.js and the code : https://github.com/gilboonet/gilboonet.github.io/blob/master/scripts/PiedGen1.js