using vector operations (subtract)
yesterday I needed to modify my 2 axis slicer script for it to be compatible with latest v2 version. The error shown into web console was about subtract, so I first thought there was a problem with CSG subtract and discarded the code using it, but indeed it was vec3.subtract that I'm using as a replacement of now deprecated minus(). I replaced it with//d = vec3.subtract(b[1], b[0]); d = [b[1][0]-b[0][0], b[1][1]-b[0][1], b[1][2]-b[0][2]];
but isn't there anymore a way to use vector operations like subtract() because it helps keeping the code easy to read.
@z3dev Thanks, I will change to subtract(a, a, b)
You can find the API documentation at
There should be some simple examples as well.
@gilboonet you hit one of the differences in the maths.
subtract(a, b) to subtract(a, a, b)
If you need to then create a new vec.
subtract(vec3.create(), a, b)