can not import c:/jscad/whatever.stl on windows
from the website I can not import the stl, I saved.
I consistently get the message:
Error: Cannot find relative path to module /jscad
I am on WIN10
@hrgdavor I have not tried project folder drag-and-drop into the web app. Will do.
@DBJDBJ did you try to drag and drop the folder onto the website instead ?
I tried the example from jscad repo: packages\examples\import\STLImport used the folder from the checked out code
and it worked with the button and with drag and drop.
Can you provide a link to zip file with the failing project?
@z3dev then I used STLImport example and added my
.const frog = require('./frog.stl') const sculpture = require('./sculpture.stl') const f_ = require('./f_.stl') // const main = () => [ frog ]; module.exports = { main }
And ... just
does not work. The message is either some syntax error or relative path or it says 'processing, please wait' and stays like that ...same
I can import it into Free CAD and see it over there.But, anyhow it seems I can not "just" upload stl and proceed on top of it, using JSCAD?
@z3dev just installed local (through git) (also there is no index.html but demo.html) but to no avail. Same issue.
@z3dev I just went to online, and struggled out some simple scene (after 3 decades of 3d pause) and dutifully saved _changes (N).stl, as I went along.
This morning I got these errors after clicking on a "Load a JSCAD Project" and selecting the folder ...
I have not seen JSCAD before until yesterday.
Please advise
@DBJDBJ Welcome!
From the message, it seems that you are using a 'project' which contains the STL file. Is that correct?