Embedding a design in a website
Final update, I have a solution I am happy with.
I use
plus a small script to combine my designs + jscad modeling + regl-renderer into a singlebundle.js
. Then all I just include that script via standard<script>
tag on my page.Final size of bundle.js: 99.9kb gzipped
Less than 100kb for a fully draggable, zoomable 3d design, directly from CAD files! That's smaller than a screenshot would be.
Design is live here if you're curious (but the rest of the project is still work-in-progress).
@z3dev not sure where it should go in docs. But there's a couple cool things I've done with JSCAD that would be hard to do with any other CAD software.
- From the same source files, I can generate both the colorized "assembled" model above, and a "print version" that has the parts arranged for 3D printing.
- Integrated into github CI/CD so that I know immediately if I broke my designs. Could easily write tests for things like bounding box size.
- Use eslint to enforce style rules. Browserify to bundle with any other javascript.
- Able to put the design in a website super efficiently. Directly from the source CAD files, without rendering to a huge mesh file format.
@platypii said in Embedding a design in a website:
This is exactly what I was looking for! Talk about an under-hyped feature
Cool! Nice to know that your going full speed again.
So, there are many ways to put together applications now. Any good suggestions on where to put this information?
@OrganicPanda thanks
... I will post it on the forum,
I am preparing a branch on jscad to experiment, and will open a discussion page for it. That branch will contain whatever code, so it will not be added to jscad directly, but serve as starting point for proper implementation after I am satisfied with the prototype.
One cool thing that was easy to make in threejs was 3d view: anaglyph(red,blue) and stereo side-by.side .. so it will also be part of the exepriments.
http://3d.hrg.hr/jscad/three/threejscad2.html?stereo=ParallaxBarrier&uri=model.logos.jsThis idea was pushed by one of users that likes to do VR stuff. I also trid to enable VR, but that experiment was not as easy, somethig got messed-up
Hey @hrgdavor! Well I'm loving your work anyway - where is good to follow you for updates on those efforts?
@platypii yes, jscad has moved from custom syntax to
from V1 to V2, but in menatime ES6import
is becomming more and more popular, and is looking to take overrequire
in the long run.
I am putting
not because I dont like import/export, as it has plenty of advantages(easy tree shaking...). I am
because it is also another layer of confusion for new users ... especially those unfamiliar with javascript and if it takes over require completely, then jscad will need refactoring in the future.
@hrgdavor all my code will be open source. Technically it already is, but I haven't completed PRs yet. [1] [2]
Really I just took the regl-renderer demo.html that @z3dev linked to and used it for my models. The only things I changed:
- Include from unpkg.com
- Remove the axes and grid
- Added auto-rotate code so that it would spin
- Some code style cleanup, mostly object value shorthand
{camera, controls}
- Fought with CommonJS vs ES6 module differences.
The CommonJS vs ES6 module issue is preventing me from using the exact same jscad code for development and rendering. Right now I'm converting jscad CommonJS into ES6 for use in the browser. I might need to use babel or requirejs or something.
This is how I'm looking to show off the designs in my site:
@platypii that is excellent news. If you could share the code in some way, so other jscad users could make use of it
regl has an advantage over threejs as it has less features, so can easily be more compact.
I was also able to reduce threejs to 420k (minimized, not gzipped) for the needs of rendering jscad models.
Some may need full set of features form threejs and maybe already have included full threejs in their website, but others will also likely want a small optimized version of any of those libs (regl, threejs), so sharing both types of examples will benefit the community. We will just need to see where to put links to them.
@z3dev said:
Also, please take a look at the minimal viewer, which is really compact.
https://github.com/jscad/OpenJSCAD.org/blob/master/packages/utils/regl-renderer/demo.htmlThis is exactly what I was looking for! Talk about an under-hyped feature
I'm now able to render my design in the browser, live, in less than 300kb total, using the regl-renderer! Even less bytes when gzipped.
And what's cool is these are my actual CAD files used in production, rendered in the browser super efficiently.
@OrganicPanda that is neat example of jscad integrated into react-fiber. @z3dev it would be cool to mention that one too as example of integration.
@OrganicPanda those scripts are a bloody mess. Next iteration is to make them little better and to separate out the code that is bridge between jscad and threejs so it can be independently used to render jscad in any webgl lib (regl, threejs, babylon, etc...)
And those will be part of jscad, so yes on npm
I am looking forward to cooperating with you to make demos that do stuff with less megabytes
... so don't give up, stay tuned, and lets make some fun stuff,
@platypii if interested there's an outstanding issue to add a new OBJ serializer, which would be pretty easy.
Also, please take a look at the minimal viewer, which is really compact.
The thing that I don't like about my approach so far:
Size of my jscad code: 12.4kb
Size of rendered obj file: 1.8mb
Size of three.module.js: 1.2mb
Size of jscad-web.min.js: 1.2mbSo now I'm thinking about how to render a relatively simple object without increasing the page size by megabytes. That being said, jscad viewer looking more attractive by the above math...
@hrgdavor Those scripts are amazing - thank you for that! Would you consider publishing them to npm for consumption? I put together a codesandbox showing a model from the jscad docs rendering in threejs via react-three-fiber https://codesandbox.io/s/react-three-fiber-threejscad-m2w4c?file=/src/App.js
Thanks for the ideas! I'm leaning more toward using three.js to render the file.
Currently the best path I've found after some experimentation:
- Use jscad to export as .x3d
- Convert that to .obj using external program (meshlab)
- Render obj with three.js directly using OBJLoader
Color is preserved. Not terrible workflow. Ideal would be a OBJ or GLTF serializer in jscad so I could directly export to a format supported by three.js. I may look into how complicated that would be to write...
@platypii You can also try one of the components that other users have built, based on common reactive frameworks.
VUE framework : https://github.com/z3dev/vue-components
REACT framework : https://github.com/kenianbei/jscad-react -
Unfortunately, things that would make this possible easily are still in develompment.
option1 (future)
3mf serializer is on the way and with it you would be able to export colors I think and then use threjs 3mf import
Option 2 (you can do right now)
you can use my nasty coded(below linked) jscad prototype to load jscad script(only single file scripts currently) and do 3mf export there(it does have a bug with instances right now, but I could get to fixing it if you rly need this).
Option 3 (you can do right now)
If you are eager to do it and not have time to wait these things in jscad core, here is a link to my nasty code that runs jscad using threejs instead of regl
http://3d.hrg.hr/jscad/three/threejscad2.html?You need to export json (it is just JSON.stringify of the geometries)
Make a page with threejs, load json, and then convert those to BufferGeometry
code I have to convert from jscad to threejs is in these 2 scripts:
http://3d.hrg.hr/jscad/three/CSG2Object3D.jsI have cleaning to do to bring this to jscad, along with some other changes needed in jscad inernally.
If you want to use this right now, and you have questions about the scripts I can also be reached on discord.
If the visualization doesn't need the input of parameters then a static design can be loaded, i.e. json. You can try this by exporting to JSON, and then drag and drop the JSON file to the WEB UI.
The benefit is there's no compilation of code, no conversion of format, just loading of the geometries (objects) from the JSON file.